I am trying to learn peg.js and want to parse simple "blocks" of text, but am struggling with how to group sequential lines without getting a "possible infinite loop" error from my syntax.
line 1
line 3
line 4
line 6
When parsed would become:
"type": "root",
"children": [
{ type: "para", content: "line 1" },
{ type: "para", content: "line 3\nline 4" },
{ type: "para", content: "line 6" },
In other words:
I can write a grammar that matches lines and blank lines (see http://peg.arcanis.fr/4f4NdP/), but anything I do to try to get multiple consecutive lines followed by a blank line (or EOF) turned into a paragraph ends up with recursion errors. I feel like this is a really simple n00b thing that I'm just missing because I haven't used a PEG before.
I know I could write a global function in the initializer block and track the last element and make it contextual, but I feel like that's not really using the grammar like I should be.
You know those weeks where you struggle with something for a day or so and then finally give up, swallow your pride and post a question to stack overflow ... and then ten minutes later figure out the answer? Yep! That's my week. I think the process of writing out the question makes you think about the problem in a different way and your synapses start firing again or something ...
Anyway, here's the solution: http://peg.arcanis.fr/4f4NdP/2/
Grammar for posterity:
start = head:Para tail:(newline Para)*
var t;
t = tail.reduce(function(memo, element) {
return memo.concat(element[1]);
}, []);
return {
type: 'root',
children: [ head ].concat(t),
Para = text:LineOfText+
{ return { type: 'para', content: text.join('\n') } }
LineOfText = text:$(char+) EOL
{ return text }
char = [^\n\r]
newline = '\n' / '\r' '\n'?
EOL = newline / !.
line 1
line 3
line 4
line 6
"type": "root",
"children": [
"type": "para",
"content": "line 1"
"type": "para",
"content": "line 3
line 4"
"type": "para",
"content": "line 6"