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Basic mouseover mouseout events in html5 canvas don't work for me

I'm struggling with animate, I'm usually a frame by frame animator but I have to do a UI.

I've created a skitz just to test out how the events work, and I'm already having trouble at step one. there's a graphical layout and on top of it I've created an invisible button with a hit box, I used this code to handle the event:

*/* Mouse Over Event
Mousing over the symbol instance executes a function in which you can add your own custom code.

1. Add your custom code on a new line after the line that says "// Start your custom code" below.
The code will execute when the symbol instance is moused over.
frequency is the number of the times event should be triggered.
var frequency = 3;
this.button_1.addEventListener("mouseover", fl_MouseOverHandler_3);

function fl_MouseOverHandler_3()
  // Start your custom code
  // This example code displays the words "Moused over" in the Output panel.
  // End your custom code

this is an image from the workspace: image

for the mouse over, I don't know why animate says 'this.button_1' since the button I checked while using the code snippet is called 'sirtonim', I tried changing that but when I do, the event doesn't even stop at this frame. (I have another action handling the frame with this.stop();)

I can't get to the mouseout event to test it out, maybe it works maybe it doesn't.

thanks ahead!


  • Alright, so I've fixed both things by :

    adding .bind(this) after the events name.

    I've also noticed that the only thing wrong with the mouse out event was the frame number I chose, in HTML5 canvas the frames start from zero, so if you want to get to fram 112 you need to write 111 instead, 1 less.