I recently finished figuring out a Build and Release process for our environment using TFS 2015 vNext build and release tasks. I'll now need to duplicate that several dozen projects. I've been looking around and I see no way to automate or script this process. Is it possible to script the creation of builds and releases or create them from a pre-populated template?
Not any official solution and task could do this for now. There has been a feature request in user voice and with STARTED status, you can vote up and monitor it
VSO build vnext: share build templates between projects https://visualstudio.uservoice.com/forums/330519-team-services/suggestions/8468566-vso-build-vnext-share-build-templates-between-pro
As a workaround, you could use an Export/Import Build Definition extension in Visual Studio Marketplace. However, it's only work with build definition.For release definition, give a try with this one Clone release definition (for TFS 2015 U2 and above).