I'm stuck using jQuery 1.3.2 at the moment and I'm just beginning to understand event delegation in general. But I can't seem to get any sort of event delegation to work on this code. I have a ul with a class 'chat' which when hovering over one of it's li's should create a new span which then slides out, then slides back in when the mouse leaves the li.
This code works, but I want to use event delegation:
$('ul.chat li').hover(
function() {
$(this).append($('<span class="join">Join Conversation</span>'));
setTimeout(function() {
$('.join').animate({'width': '150px'}, 400);
function() {
$('.join').animate({'width': '0px'}, 200, function(){
Can someone show me how to achieve the same result, but with event delegation? Thanks.
UPDATE: Doesn't seem like you want event delegation for added items, but more because you'll be working with a very large result set.
A quick search on Google ('event delegation jquery 1.3.2') came up with this.
You can get "event delegation" with the jQuery.live()
You'll have to split that into two bindings, like so:
$('ul.chat li').live('mouseover',
function() {
$(this).append($('<span class="join">Join Conversation</span>'));
setTimeout(function() {
$('.join').animate({'width': '150px'}, 400);
function() {
$('.join').animate({'width': '0px'}, 200, function(){