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Configure Eclipse word-boundaries so 'Next-Word-Key' skips whole identifier

If I have a piece of Code

  MyIdentifierIsNice(OtherThingAlsoNice isBetterThen);

I'd like to change the behavior of Ctrl-Left in Eclipse from stopping here:

  My|Identifier|Is|Nice|(|Other|Thing|Also|Nice is|Better|Then|);|

to here:

  MyIdentifierIsNice(|OtherThingAlsoNice |isBetterThen);|

...or at least just not so often. Other variants would be also fine, like:

  MyIdentifierIsNice|(|OtherThingAlsoNice| isBetterThen|);|

Mainly it should stop considering a CamelCaseIdentifier to consist of several words for navigation via Next-Word, and such like.

I use SpringSourceSuite Version 2.5.1, which is Eclipse 3.6, I guess.


  • Try and unselect the option:

    Preferences / Java / Editor / Smart caret positioning in Java names

    alt text

    And see if that enhances the user experience in term of cursor positioning.

    If this is not Java, you have a similar option in:

    Preferences / General / Editors / Text Editors / Smart caret positioning at line start and end

    It is usually selected, meaning if the cursor still stops at every word, that may suggests another setting for a specific language is overriding it.