I have a script with some delete link in list.
When i click on one button, i have a function that display a pop-in with two button inside, to confirm or not the action.
A have no idea how to do it !
Here is my js :
$(document).on('click', '.delete-input', function(e) {
var tags = $(this).parent().parent().parent().prev(); /* Cible la div .tags */
var tagId = tags.find('.id p').text();
var prov = tags.find('.prov p').text();
var methode = "delete";
let data = {
"tagId": tagId,
"prov": prov,
"methode": methode
url: "path/to/script.php",
type: "post",
data: data,
dataType: "json",
success: function(code_html, statut, data) {
error: function(resultat, statut, erreur) {
console.log("La requête n'a pas aboutie...");
function openModal(tagId, $prov, $methode) {
var html = "<div class='confirm'>";
html += "<p>Voulez vous vraiment supprimer le tag id : " + tagId + " ?</p>";
html += "<div class='action-button'>";
html += "<button class='action-tag delete-tag'>Oui</button>";
html += "<button class='action-tag keep-tag'>Non</button>";
html += "</div>";
html += "</div>";
$(document).on('click', '.delete-tag, .keep-tag', function(e) {
var clickedButton = $(this).attr("class");
clickedButton = clickedButton.split(" ");
clickedButton = clickedButton[1];
if (clickedButton == "delete-tag") {
alert("tag deleted !");
}else if(clickedButton == "keep-tag"){
alert("tag keeped !");
Add an event handler to your confirm button in the modal and call your delete function from that.
For example:
$(body).on('click', '.delete-tag', function () {