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ICEPDF hide pagenav , last page and first page

I worked to show pdf in javafx with icepdf libraries.Everything success,but ı don't want to see 'First Page' and 'Last Page' buttons in toolbar.API docs show how to hide page navigator completely.

        propertiesManager.setBoolean("", false);

I wanna remove only 'First Page' and 'Last Page' buttons.Anyone help please ?


  • Unfortunately there isn't a configuration option to hide individual navigation buttons. But it's fairly easy to override the SwingViewBuilder method buildPageNavigationToolBar().

    Using the example you can alter the call:

    SwingViewBuilder factory = new SwingViewBuilder(controller, properties); 

    to look like this:

    SwingViewBuilder factory = new SwingViewBuilder(controller, properties){
        public JToolBar buildPageNavigationToolBar() {
            JToolBar toolbar = new JToolBar();
            commonToolBarSetup(toolbar, false);
            addToToolBar(toolbar, buildPreviousPageButton());
            addToToolBar(toolbar, buildCurrentPageNumberTextField());
            addToToolBar(toolbar, buildNumberOfPagesLabel());
            addToToolBar(toolbar, buildNextPageButton());
            return toolbar;