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Hide header in stack navigator React navigation

I'm trying to switch screens using both stack and tab navigator.

const MainNavigation = StackNavigator({
      otp: { screen: OTPlogin },
      otpverify: { screen: OTPverification},
      userVerified: {
        screen: TabNavigator({
          List: { screen: List },
          Settings: { screen: Settings }

In this case stack navigator is used first and then tab navigator. I want to hide the headers from stack navigator. Which is not working properly when I use navigation options like::

navigationOptions: { header: { visible: false } }

i'm trying this code on first two components which are using in stacknavigator. if i use this line then getting some error like:

enter image description here


  • UPDATE as of version 5

    As of version 5 it is the option headerShown in screenOptions

    Example of usage:

        headerShown: false
      <Stack.Screen name="route-name" component={ScreenComponent} />

    If you want only to hide the header on 1 screen you can do this by setting the screenOptions on the screen component see below for example:

    <Stack.Screen options={{headerShown: false}} name="route-name" component={ScreenComponent} />

    See also the blog about version 5

    As of version 2.0.0-alpha.36 (2019-11-07),
    there is a new navigationOption: headershown

          navigationOptions: {
            headerShown: false,

    Old answer

    I use this to hide the stack bar (notice this is the value of the second param):

        headerMode: 'none',
        navigationOptions: {
            headerVisible: false,

    When you use the this method it will be hidden on all screens.

    In your case it will look like this:

    const MainNavigation = StackNavigator({
      otp: { screen: OTPlogin },
      otpverify: { screen: OTPverification },
      userVerified: {
        screen: TabNavigator({
        List: { screen: List },
        Settings: { screen: Settings }
      headerMode: 'none',
      navigationOptions: {
        headerVisible: false,