I would like to remove an empty line in a big string (not a file). This is the string :
The unique begin of a line in my string, after that a content same endline
The unique begin of a line in my string, after that a content same endline
The unique begin of a line in my string, after that a content same endline
This is how it appears on notepad++:
The solution :
string myString = "The string which contains double \r\n \r\n so it will be removed with this algorithm.";
int myIndex = 0;
while (myIndex < myString.length()) {
if (myString[myIndex] == '\n') {
while (myIndex < myString.length() && (myString[myIndex] == ' ' || myString[myIndex] == '\t' || myString[myIndex] == '\r' || myString[myIndex] == '\n')) {
myString.erase(myIndex, 1);
} else {