I'm using the library c3js to show an area chart. I've a problem with my dates data. I've a lot of dates (+/- 1000) and I want to group correctly my dates.
Here is my actuel render :
You can see that some dates appear two time on x axis.
Here is the code of my chart :
var usedList = JSON.parse(usedList);
var format = informations[0];
var counts = informations[1];
var amounts = new Array('Evolution');
var dates = new Array("x");
for (var i = 0; i < usedList.length; i++)
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto : '#js-chart',
size : {
height : 220
area: {
zerobased: false
data : {
selection : {
draggable : false
x : 'x',
columns : [ dates, amounts ],
types : {
Evolution : 'area'
colors : {
Evolution : '#143FB4'
axis : {
x : {
type : 'timeseries',
tick : {
fit: true,
format : format
padding: {
left: 0,
right: 0,
point : {
r : 0
grid : {
y : {
show : true
How do you think I can do to regroup date in order to have just one repetition of each month ?
Thank you, David
What if push only one date for a month?
for (var i = 0; i < usedList.length; i++)
// replacing existing dates with empty string, keeping array size
var d = usedList[i].date;
dates.push(dates.indexOf(d) == -1 ? d : '');
This should work if dates are stored as 'MM/YYYY'. If dates are stored in a different format, different check is needed. But general idea stays the same - only one date for a month at x-axis.