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Recursive backtracking in Java for solving a crossword

I need to solve a crossword given the initial grid and the words (words can be used more than once or not at all).

The initial grid looks like that:


Here is an example word list:


The task is to fill the placeholders (horizontal or vertical having length > 1) like that:


Any correct solution is acceptable, and it's guaranteed that there's a solution.

In order to start to solve the problem, I store the grid in 2-dim. char array and I store the words by their length in the list of sets: List<Set<String>> words, so that e.g. the words of length 4 could be accessed by words.get(4)

Then I extract the location of all placeholders from the grid and add them to the list (stack) of placeholders:

class Placeholder {
    int x, y; //coordinates 
    int l; // the length
    boolean h; //horizontal or not
    public Placeholder(int x, int y, int l, boolean h) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.l = l;
        this.h = h;

The main part of the algorithm is the solve() method:

char[][] solve (char[][] c, Stack<Placeholder> placeholders) {
    if (placeholders.isEmpty())
        return c;

    Placeholder pl = placeholders.pop();
    for (String word : words.get(pl.l)) {
        char[][] possibleC = fill(c, word, pl); // description below
        if (possibleC != null) {
            char[][] ret = solve(possibleC, placeholders);
            if (ret != null)
                return ret;
    return null;

Function fill(c, word, pl) just returns a new crossword with the current word written on the current placeholder pl. If word is incompatible with pl, then function returns null.

char[][] fill (char[][] c, String word, Placeholder pl) {

    if (pl.h) {
        for (int i = pl.x; i < pl.x + pl.l; i++)
            if (c[pl.y][i] != '_' && c[pl.y][i] != word.charAt(i - pl.x))
                return null;
        for (int i = pl.x; i < pl.x + pl.l; i++)
            c[pl.y][i] = word.charAt(i - pl.x);
        return c;

    } else {
        for (int i = pl.y; i < pl.y + pl.l; i++)
            if (c[i][pl.x] != '_' && c[i][pl.x] != word.charAt(i - pl.y))
                return null;
        for (int i = pl.y; i < pl.y + pl.l; i++)
            c[i][pl.x] = word.charAt(i - pl.y);
        return c;

Here is the full code on Rextester.

The problem is that my backtracking algorithm doesn't work well. Let's say this is my initial grid:


And this is the list of words:


My algorithm will put the word pain vertically, but then when realizing that it was a wrong choice it will backtrack, but by that time the initial grid will be already changed and the number of placeholders will be reduced. How do you think the algorithm can be fixed?


  • This can be solved in 2 ways:

    • Create a deep copy of the matrix at the start of fill, modify and return that (leaving the original intact).

      Given that you already pass around the matrix, this wouldn't require any other changes.

      This is simple but fairly inefficient as it requires copying the matrix every time you try to fill in a word.

    • Create an unfill method, which reverts the changes made in fill, to be called at the end of each for loop iteration.

      for (String word : words.get(pl.l)) {
          if (fill(c, word, pl)) {
              unfill(c, word, pl);

      Note: I changed fill a bit as per my note below.

      Of course just trying to erase all letter may erase letters of other placed words. To fix this, we can keep a count of how many words each letter is a part of.

      More specifically, have a int[][] counts (which will also need to be passed around or be otherwise accessible) and whenever you update c[x][y], also increment counts[x][y]. To revert a placement, decrease the count of each letter in that placement by 1 and only remove letters with a count of 0.

      This is somewhat more complex, but much more efficient than the above approach.

      In terms of code, you might put something like this in fill:
      (in the first part, the second is similar)

      for (int i = pl.x; i < pl.x + pl.l; i++)

      And unfill would look something like this: (again for just the first part)

      for (int i = pl.x; i < pl.x + pl.l; i++)
      for (int i = pl.x; i < pl.x + pl.l; i++)
          if (counts[pl.y][i] == 0)
              c[pl.y][i] = '_';
      // can also just use a single loop with "if (--counts[pl.y][i] == 0)"

    Note that, if going for the second approach above, it might make more sense to simply have fill return a boolean (true if successful) and just pass c down to the recursive call of solve. unfill can return void, since it can't fail, unless you have a bug.

    There is only a single array that you're passing around in your code, all you're doing is changing its name.

    See also Is Java "pass-by-reference" or "pass-by-value"?