I want to make a limit with respect to id like this:
My table:
id id_propertie description
1 1 Some text
2 1 Some text
3 2 Some text
4 2 Some text
5 2 Some text
6 3 Some text
I want this
SELECT * FROM propertie limit 2
id id_propertie description
1 1 Some text
2 1 Some text
3 2 Some text
4 2 Some text
6 3 Some text
In MySQL, the easiest way is to use variables:
select p.*
from (select p.*,
(@rn := if(@id = id, @rn + 1,
if(@id := id, 1, 1)
) as rn
from propertie p cross join
(select @id := 0, @rn := 0) params
order by id_propertie, id
) p
where rn <= 2;