Could you check my code:
.state('addNewGroup', {
url: '/group/new',
"checkPermission": function ($state, checkPermission) {
.then(function (result) {
if (result) {
} else {
alert('access denied');
"otherStuff": function () {
console.log("Should execute only if result in 'checkPremission' is true");
I two promises in the routing configuration. Is it possible to resolve only specific promise? Let's suppose I have 5 promises to resolve and I want to resolve them all only if "checkPremission" is true. In other cases I don't want to resolve it all. Is it possible or I should use different logic.
You can make the next promise wait for the previous one by injecting it as a dependency:
resolve: {
firstResolve: function() {
return 'A result';
nextResolve: function(firstResolve) {
// firstResolve has the value 'A result' here
Technically, the second resolve will execute, but you can base your logic on the result of the first one.