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Talend - tFileInputRegex

My goal is to parse several text files using a RegEx, and based on match to copy file renaming it (including regex match string in the file name itself):

Talend project overview using tFileInputRegex: Talend project overview

Regex should find all rows matching "Invoice - xxxxx" or "Num.Ord - yyyyy".

So I can have files like this (Invoice - 10044165 RI):

     Company XXX, LLC                                          Page Number-            1
 P.O. Box 26610                                        I N V O I C E                      Date       -     02/15/05
 Miami, MI  64196                                                                         Customer   -        20035
                                                                          Lot Potency.     50006427
                                                                                          Brn/Plt    -    100780000
                                              REMIT TO:                                   Order Nbr  -    242242 SO
                                                            .                             Invoice    -  10044165 RI

Or like this (Num.Ord - 50006427):

     Company XXX, LLC                                          Page Number-            1
 P.O. Box 26610                                        I N V O I C E                      Date       -     02/15/05
 Miami, MI  64196                                                                         Customer   -        20035
                                                                          Num.Ord    -     50006427
                                                                                          Brn/Plt    -    100780000
                                              REMIT TO:                                  
                                              126 Ctest
                                              Chicago, IL

I'm trying to figure it out how to have a working OR Regex searching for rows containing "Num.Ord" OR "Invoice". I've tested online with a regex parser and this one works:


When I try to import in Talend component tFileInputRegex, using appropriate notation, it does not work (no match on OR "Num.Ord"):



  • Finally I've sorted out by parsing again with another tFileInputRegex Talend component with files rejected by first one:

    Talend job schema: Talend job schema