For following model
i need to create individuals for class1 and set literal values for property4 and property5 for created individuals. For this i am creating individual for Anonymous class2(in1) and setting property values for it. Then i create individual for Anonymous class1(in0) and use addproperty(property2,in1), again i create individual for class 1(in) and use addproperty(property1,in0).
String ns = "";
OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.RDFS_MEM);
OntClass class1 = model.createClass(ns+"class1");
OntClass Aclass1= model.createClass();
OntClass Aclass2= model.createClass();
OntProperty pro1 = model.createOntProperty(ns + "pro1");
OntProperty pro2 = model.createOntProperty(ns + "pro2");
OntProperty pro3 = model.createOntProperty(ns + "pro3");
DatatypeProperty pro4 = model.createDatatypeProperty(ns + "pro4");
DatatypeProperty pro5 = model.createDatatypeProperty(ns + "pro5");
Individual in1 = Aclass2.createIndividual(ns + "in1");
in1.addProperty( pro4, model.createTypedLiteral( 50 ) )
.addProperty( pro5, model.createTypedLiteral( 60) );
Individual in0=Aclass1.createIndividual(ns+"in2");
Individual in=class1.createIndividual(ns+"indi");
in.addProperty(pro1, in0);
this is giving following exception when run
Exception in thread "main" com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.ProfileException: Attempted to use language construct DATATYPE_PROPERTY that is not supported in the current language profile: RDFS
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntModelImpl.checkProfileEntry(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntModelImpl.createDatatypeProperty(
at com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.impl.OntModelImpl.createDatatypeProperty(
at test1.Hello.main(
What am i doing wrong and is there a better way for doing this?
The spec is wrong, it does not support owl:DatatypeProperty (and a lot of things from OntModel), but only RDFS vocabulary.
Try OntModelSpec.OWL_DL_MEM. It should eliminate exception.
But note: OntModelSpec#OWL_DL_MEM is about OWL1-DL, not OWL2DL. Jena does not support OWL2 at all.
If you want to use full OWL2DL specification with Jena, you can take a look on ONT-API, which is jena-based OWL-API.