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JavaScript error using bootstrap-table

I'm trying to use bootstrap-table with MVC. I have the following files in scripts and content:



I'm then using the following in the bundleconfig.cs file:

        bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bootstraptable").Include(

        bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/bootstraptable").Include(

and these in the "_Layout.cshtml" file:


I also have jQuery and Bootstrap included (and working), so I don't think it's a dependency issue.

When I run the project (before I even try doing anything with a table), I get:

Unable to get property 'locales' of undefined or null reference

There's no NuGet package for this, so I had to add the files manually, so perhaps I missed something. But according to the website (, it would seem I have what I need.

Anyone had this issue or have any idea what I'm doing wrong?



  • So apparently the list of the files in the bundle is important for this. When I bundled it with the wildcard, it didn't work. When I switched it to

            bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/bootstraptable").Include(

    explicitly putting the 2 necessary files in the bundle (I replaced the "all" locale with just the one I need), then it worked.