right now I am establishing the Nimbus Look and Feel to an Application which is already in use for some time.
The Application contains some JTree
s which I want to have to display vertical and horizontal lines.
Under java version 1.7 which I used earlier this was easy to set up with those specific entries in the UIDefaults
UIManager.put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", true);
UIManager.put("Tree.drawHorizontalLines", true);
As implied above this works totally fine as long as I am using a jre with the verion 1.7, as soon as I use 1.8 the vertical lines in the JTree
wont get displayed.
I just wanted to ask if anybody knows if this a known issue of Nimbus under java 1.8 and if so, does anyone know a solution or workaround to this problem?
EDIT: Here some example code to clarify my Problem:
public class test
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
try {
for (LookAndFeelInfo info : UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException
| UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {
UIManager.put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", true);
UIManager.put("Tree.drawHorizontalLines", true);
UIManager.put("Tree.linesStyle", "dashed");
DefaultMutableTreeNode top = new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Root");
top.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Branch1"));
top.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Branch2"));
top.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Branch3"));
((DefaultMutableTreeNode)top.getFirstChild()).add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Leaf1"));
((DefaultMutableTreeNode)top.getFirstChild()).add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Leaf2"));
JFrame frame = new JFrame();
JTree tree = new JTree(top);
frame.setSize(new Dimension(450,300));
JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(tree);
This is just an example code, not the actual software I am currently working at, so I think the issue is up to a mistake I did in both codes or its some problem with the java-version 1.8.
The usage of jdk1.7 and jdk1.8 leads to two different results:
As you can see the horizontal lines in the 1.8-version are missing.
Sorry for bad grammar, I´m no native speaker.
The reason is unknown (bug?), but it seems to work fine for me using UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", true);
instead of UIManager.put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", true);
(jdk1. 8.0_131 on Windows 10):
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class NimbusDrawVerticalLinesTest {
public static void main(String... args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(() -> {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// UIManager.put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", true);
UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults().put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", true);
UIManager.put("Tree.drawHorizontalLines", true);
UIManager.put("Tree.linesStyle", "dashed");
JTree tree = new JTree();
// UIDefaults d = new UIDefaults();
// d.put("Tree.drawVerticalLines", Boolean.TRUE);
// tree.putClientProperty("Nimbus.Overrides", d);
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(tree));
f.setSize(320, 240);