I have installed JProfiler 10.0.1 on my local Windows 7 and a remote RHEL 7 VM.
Due to formatting issues, output pertaining to point-3 is provided here :
bash-4.2$ hostname
bash-4.2$ ./jpenable
Select a JVM:
org.apache.nifi.bootstrap.RunNiFi start [29714] [1]
org.apache.nifi.NiFi [29731] [2]
Please select the profiling mode:
GUI mode (attach with JProfiler GUI) [1, Enter]
Offline mode (use config file to set profiling settings) [2]
Please enter a profiling port
You can now use the JProfiler GUI to connect on port 45180
Some facts:
When I try to connect from my local machine to a 'Remote Application' using the JProfiler wizard, I get the connection error. Note that manually providing the port 45180 didn't help as the user running the jprofiler is nifi.
Note that manually providing the port 45180 didn't help as the user running the jprofiler is nifi.
If you have already run jpenable, this is what you should do. Instead of using the "Discover running JVMs" you use the "Manually specify profiling port". In that case there will be no issues regarding users other than in the context of setting up the SSH connection to the remote machine.