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angular2 to a turned off server => return error on Android BUT NOT ON IOS

I am using Angular 2, Ionic 2.

I shut down the server my app sends its request to, in order to check how the offline mode is managed.

I have made a Custom HTTP Service for my project based on import { Http, Headers, Response, RequestOptions, RequestMethod, Request } from '@angular/http'. It includes a 'function sendRequest':

public sendRequest = (data):Observable<Response> => {
    // console.log("CustomHttpService->sendRequest() starts");
    let headersToUse = new Headers();
    data = this.jsonToURLEncoded(data);
    let options = { headers:headersToUse };
    return, data, options).map(
        return res.json();

And the 'function handleErrorObservable':

private handleErrorObsevable (error:Response|any){
    console.log("handleError error.message " + error.message);
    console.log("handleError error " + error);
    return Observable.throw(error.message || error);

In Android it works, after a certain time I get in the log:

handleError error Response with status 0 for URL: null

But on IOS the error never arrives, like if there was no time out set. Any tips?


  • I solved it by adding a custom timeout setting on the observable like in that SO question, in my function. It looks like that now:

    public sendRequest = (data):Observable<Response> | Observable<any> => {
    // console.log("CustomHttpService->sendRequest() starts");
        let headersToUse = new Headers();
        data = this.jsonToURLEncoded(data);
        let options = { headers:headersToUse };
        return, data, options).timeoutWith(CustomHttpService.TIMEOUT_DELAY,Observable.throw(new Error(CustomHttpService.ERROR_REQ_HTTP))).map(
                return res.json();
    private handleErrorObservable (error:Response|any){
        console.error(CustomHttpService.CLASS_TAG + " handlerErrorObservable: error.message " + error.message);
        return Observable.throw(error.message);

    Also it requires to add on the top of the class some specific import to use the functions timeoutWith and Observable.throw: import 'rxjs/add/operator/timeoutWith and import 'rxjs/add/observable/throw like it is explained in the official Angular2 doc.