Search code examples

Exception thrown as Fieldset cannot be cast to UIData

Trying to develop a drag and drop functionality. A fieldSet in a layout has to be dragged and imitate user as if it is being dropped into another layout. Below is the xhtml code for the same :-

    <script type="text/javascript">
        function handleDrop(event, ui) {
            var dropped = ui.draggable;


    <h1>Primefaces Basic Config</h1>

    <p:layout style="min-width:400px;min-height:200px;">

        <p:layoutUnit id="first" position="west">

            <p:fieldset id="ppl" legend="Builder" toggleable="true" toggleSpeed="500" style="width:300px">

                    <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="5">
                        <h:outputText value="Bla bla bla"></h:outputText>


            <p:draggable for="ppl" revert="true" />


        <p:layoutUnit id="second" position="center">

                 <p:tabView id="dropdownpanel">
                    <p:tab title="Edit">
                        <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">
                                value="Add question details" />
                    <p:tab title="Option">
                        <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">
                            <h:outputText value="addtional options required" />
                    <p:tab title="Logic">
                        <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="10">
                            <h:outputText value="addd logic to this tab" />


        <p:droppable for="second" tolerance="touch"  datasource="ppl" onDrop="handleDrop" >
            <p:ajax update="first second" />  




Following is the screen shot of what i'm trying to achieve where builder fieldset can be dragged into edit area:-

enter image description here

But when i'm trying to drag BUILDER then following Exception is thrown :-

15:53:05,497 INFO [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.context] (http- java.lang.ClassCastException: org.primefaces.component.fieldset.Fieldset cannot be cast to javax.faces.component.UIData: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.primefaces.component.fieldset.Fieldset cannot be cast to javax.faces.component.UIData at org.primefaces.component.dnd.Droppable.findDatasource( [primefaces-4.0.jar:4.0] at org.primefaces.component.dnd.Droppable.queueEvent( [primefaces-4.0.jar:4.0] at org.primefaces.component.behavior.ajax.AjaxBehaviorRenderer.decode( [primefaces-4.0.jar:4.0] at javax.faces.component.behavior.ClientBehaviorBase.decode( [jboss-jsf-api_2.1_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar:2.0.1.Final] at org.primefaces.renderkit.CoreRenderer.decodeBehaviors( [primefaces-4.0.jar:4.0] at org.primefaces.component.dnd.DroppableRenderer.decode( [primefaces-4.0.jar:4.0] at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.decode( [jboss-jsf-api_2.1_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar:2.0.1.Final] at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.processDecodes( [jboss-jsf-api_2.1_spec-2.0.1.Final.jar:2.0.1.Final]

And i've no clue to resolve.


  • The datasource attribute in your p:droppable element needs to refer to a UIData. Fieldset is not a UIData. If you look at the UIData Javadoc you will see that HtmlDatatable is a known subclass

    I had the same problem and resolved by referencing my datatable instead of the fieldset. In your case you are using a h:panelGrid, so change

       <h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="5" >

    to a datatable, give it an ID. Say "datasrc1". And change your droppable's datasource to:

       <p:droppable for="second" tolerance="touch"  datasource="datasrc1" onDrop="handleDrop" >