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Magento 1.9 custom admin grid load inside itself

What my problem looks like

I have 2 grids in the same module (and i need to keep them in the same module). When i click on the top of the column the grid load itself inside itself.

Below is my code: Myname_Blink_Adminhtml_BlinkController

public function keywordsAction()

my block file : Myname_Blink_Block_Adminhtml_Keywords_Grid extends

class Myname_Blink_Block_Adminhtml_Keywords_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid
    public function __construct()

As suggested to this post: Multiple grid in Magento admin

I removed the files: =>Myname_Blink_Block_Adminhtml_Keywords =>app\design\adminhtml\default\default\layout\myname\blink.xml


  • Maybe something goes wrong with AJAX call.
    Did you try this one:

    public function keywordsAction()
        if($this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
            return $this;

    Good luck!!!