I have several groups of tasks, each group is a chain of tasks, groups are independent of each other. Tasks within a group can only be processed in the order which is determined by the chain of that group.
Each task has an ID and a cost. Tasks are atomic, they can only be finished at once by investing time units equal to their cost into them (it's not possible to solve half of a task). At the beginning of each step there are m
time units available.
I want to check if it is possible to finish all tasks within a given number of steps d
Here are some pictures to clarify the situation, each task is a 2-tuple (ID, Cost), the tasks in the chains can only be solved from left to right.
Here is a graphic example of 6 tasks arranged into 3 groups:
Let's say that m = 5
(there are 5 time units available during each step) and that d = 4
(we want to check if all tasks can be finished within 4 steps).
A possible soulution would be:
Another possible solution would be:
An invalid solution would be (it finishes all tasks in 5 steps, we said that the limit is 4):
My question:
For given:
available at each stepd
which are alloweddetermine if it is possible to solve all tasks within d
steps, if so then output a possible sequence (task ID's) in which the tasks can be solved such that <= d
steps are done.
My current approach:
I try to find a solution by backtracking. I create a list of deques to model the groups, then I look at the set A (all the tasks which can be solved during the current step, the leftmost element of each group) and find all subsets B (subsets of A whose sum of costs is <= d
and to which no other task can be added such that the sum of costs stays <= d
). The subsets of set B represent the tasks which I consider solving during the current step, now each subset represents a choice, I do a recursive call for each of them (to explore each choice) where I pass the list of deques without elements in B (I remove them from the deques because from now on I consider them solved in this branch of recursion). The recursive calls stop once the depth of recursion is > d
(the number of allowed steps is exceeded) or a solution is found (the list of deques is empty, all tasks have ben solved within <= d
PseudoJavaish code:
// sequence[1] = j means that task 1 is done at step j
// the param steps is used to track the depth of recursion
findValidSequence (ArrayList<Deque> groups, int[] sequence, int steps) {
if (steps > d) // stop this branch since it exceeds the step limit d
if (groups.isEmpty()) // 0 tasks left, a solution is found, output sequence
Set A = getAllTasksSolvableDuringCurrentStep();
Set B = determineAllTheOptionsForTheNextStep(A);
// make a recursive call for each option to check if any of them leads to a valid sequence
for (each element in B)
findValidSequence(groups.remove(B), sequence.setSolvedTasks(B), steps+1);
I get lost trying to implement this correctly, what do you think of my approach, how would you solve this problem?
The problem is pretty general as lots of scheduling problems (m
machines and n
precedence constrained jobs) can be reduced to such a problem.
Here’s a suggestion for calculating B
. It’s a very good observation that it boils down to "Given an array of integers, find all subsets whose sum is <= m and to whom we can't add any other element from the array such that <= m is not violated". So I have solved this simpler problem only and trust you to adopt the solution to your situation.
As I aired in a comment, I am using recursion. Each recursive calls looks at one element from A and tries a solution with that element and a solution without that element.
In each call to the recursive method I am passing A
and m
, these are the same in every call. I pass a partial solution telling which of the previously considered elements are included in the subset currently being built, and the sum of the included elements just for convenience.
* Calculates all subsets of a that have a sum <= capacity
* and to which one cannot add another element from a without exceeding the capacity.
* @param a elements to put in sets;
* even when two elements from a are equal, they are considered distinct
* @param capacity maximum sum of a returned subset
* @return collection of subsets of a.
* Each subset is represented by a boolean array the same length as a
* where true means that the element in the same index in a is included,
* false that it is not included.
private static Collection<boolean[]> maximalSubsetsWithinCapacity(int[] a, int capacity) {
List<boolean[]> b = new ArrayList<>();
addSubsets(a, capacity, new boolean[0], 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, b);
return b;
/** add to b all allowed subsets where the the membership for the first members of a is determined by paritalSubset
* and where remaining capacity is smaller than smallestMemberLeftOut
private static void addSubsets(int[] a, int capacity, boolean[] partialSubset, int sum,
int smallestMemberLeftOut, List<boolean[]> b) {
assert sum == IntStream.range(0, partialSubset.length)
.filter(ix -> partialSubset[ix])
.map(ix -> a[ix])
: Arrays.toString(a) + ' ' + Arrays.toString(partialSubset) + ' ' + sum;
int remainingCapacity = capacity - sum;
if (partialSubset.length == a.length) { // done
// check capacity constraint: if there’s still room for a member of size smallestMemberLeftOut,
// we have violated the maximality constraint
if (remainingCapacity < smallestMemberLeftOut) { // OK, no more members could have been added
} else {
// try next element from a.
int nextElement = a[partialSubset.length];
// i.e., decide whether should be included.
// try with and without.
// is including nextElement a possibility?
if (nextElement <= remainingCapacity) { // yes
boolean[] newPartialSubset = Arrays.copyOf(partialSubset, partialSubset.length + 1);
newPartialSubset[partialSubset.length] = true; // include member
addSubsets(a, capacity, newPartialSubset, sum + nextElement, smallestMemberLeftOut, b);
// try leaving nextElement out
boolean[] newPartialSubset = Arrays.copyOf(partialSubset, partialSubset.length + 1);
newPartialSubset[partialSubset.length] = false; // exclude member
int newSmallestMemberLeftOut = smallestMemberLeftOut;
if (nextElement < smallestMemberLeftOut) {
newSmallestMemberLeftOut = nextElement;
addSubsets(a, capacity, newPartialSubset, sum, newSmallestMemberLeftOut, b);
It’s slightly tricky in a few spots. I hope my comments will help you through it. Otherwise please ask.
Let’s try it out:
int[] a = { 5, 1, 2, 6 };
Collection<boolean[]> b = maximalSubsetsWithinCapacity(a, 8);
b.forEach(ba -> System.out.println(Arrays.toString(ba)));
This code prints:
[true, true, true, false]
[false, true, false, true]
[false, false, true, true]
[true, true, true, false]
means a subset of 5, 1 and 2. The sum is 8, so this fits the capacity of 8 exactly (m
).[false, true, false, true]
means 1 and 6, sum is 7 and we could not add 2 or we would exceed the capacity[false, false, true, true]
means 2 and 6 and also fits the capacity m
exactly.I believe this exhausts the possibilities within your constraints.