could someone explain to me why the output is "DDAC" and not "DAC"? Why it prints "D" two times?
class A {
String text = "A";
String getText(){
return text;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println((new B()).getText());
class B extends A{
text = getText() + "C";
String getText(){
return "D" + super.getText();
Your code is confusing because you have two methods in different classes with the same name. You called getText()
in your constructor B()
, which was getting the text from class B. You wanted it to get text from class A. All I did was change the name of getText()
in class B to getBText()
, and called the methods correctly. Code shown below:
class ScratchPaper {
String text = "A";
String getText(){
return text;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println((new B()).getBText());
class B extends ScratchPaper {
text = getText() + "C";
String getBText(){
return "D" + super.getText();
And the output is how you expected: