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Can't use qualifiers with interface that consist generics

Met situation when cdi with qualifier and generics doesn't work.

For example, i have interface like this:

public interface SomeInterface<T> {
   T someMethod(Set<T> set);

Its implementation (and several another implementations with another qualifiers):

public class SomeClass implements SomeInterface<AnotherClass> {
    AnotherClass someMethod(Set<AnotherClass> set) {...some logic...}

And some qualifier like this:

public @interface SomeQualifier {}

So, when i inject its in some bean (singleton in my project) :

public class SomeSingleton {
  SomeInterface instance;


i got exception in deploy process like

Unsatisfied dependencies for type SomeInterface with qualifiers @SomeQualifier

But when i use all of that without using generics - all works fine!

Tried injecting like this:

SomeInterface<AnotherClass> instance;

Got same result.

Any idea how can i use inject with qualifiers and generics?


  • The reason your first approach doesn't work is because you are violating CDI spec assignability rules (the very first line). In short - injecting raw type only works for unbound/Object types.

    However, the second approach does work - I just verified in with Weld SE. E.g.:

    SomeInterface<AnotherClass> instance;

    I suppose you might have forgotten to recompile your code or something? Double check that because I am certain this works. That, or you have some other problem in the code.