I'm coding an add-in for word , On the following code I take all the words that is in the file and put them in a dictionary.
Dictionary<string, string> motRap = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application application = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application();
Document document = application.Documents.Open("monfichiertxt.docx");
// Loop through all words in the document.
int count = document.Words.Count;
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++)
// Write the word.
string text = document.Words[i].Text;
motRap.Add(text, "blabla");
// Close word.
And I want the file name of the docx that is currently running, instead of writing "monfichiertxt.docx".
Can someone help me please Thank you.
You can use the Name property or the FullName property like this
string name = document.Name;
string fullName = document.FullName;
Name will give you "MyDocument.docx" and FullName will give you "...\MyFolder\MyDocument.docx"