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How to output XmlDocument so that element attributes are indented as well?

I want to output XmlDocument so that the attributes are indented as well. I tried two approaches:

var cfgXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
cfgXmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
File.WriteAllText(cfgFilePath, cfgXmlDoc.OuterXml);


var cfgXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
using (var xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(cfgFilePath, Encoding.UTF8))
  xmlWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

As expected, none indent the attributes. Does anyone know how to do it?



For instance, consider this piece of a XML:

  <dataPortalProxies thisEndpointKind="Agent">
    <dataPortalProxy isEnabled="true" name="NC Server" endpointKind="Server"
                     implementation="Shunra.Common.Csla.WcfOneWayProxy, Shunra.Common">
      <add key="AddressTemplate" value="net.msmq://{0}/private/nc_queue"/>
    <dataPortalProxy isEnabled="true" name="Peer Agent" endpointKind="Agent"
                     implementation="Shunra.Common.Csla.WcfDynamicProxy, Shunra.Common">
      <add key="AddressTemplate" value="https://{0}:7000/NCAgent/WcfPortal.svc"/>

Putting it through the XmlDocument yields this result:

  <dataPortalProxies thisEndpointKind="Agent">
    <dataPortalProxy isEnabled="true" name="NC Server" endpointKind="Server" implementation="Shunra.Common.Csla.WcfOneWayProxy, Shunra.Common">
      <add key="AddressTemplate" value="net.msmq://{0}/private/nc_queue" />
    <dataPortalProxy isEnabled="true" name="Peer Agent" endpointKind="Agent" implementation="Shunra.Common.Csla.WcfDynamicProxy, Shunra.Common">
      <add key="AddressTemplate" value="https://{0}:7000/NCAgent/WcfPortal.svc" />

What I want is some kind of wrap long lines for attributes, so that any attributes exceeding certain line width are indented on the following line. In short pretty printing.


  • You should never use new XmlTextWriter() is has been deprecated since .NET 2.0.

    Use XmlWriter.Create() instead:

    XmlWriterSettings settings = 
        new XmlWriterSettings {Indent = true, NewLineOnAttributes = true};
    using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create("path", settings))