I want to log the console logs whether the expect failing or any exception coming into the log file. How can i do that without using try and catch. In LOG4j for java there is rootlogger which automatically logs all the system information logs into the file. Can same be done for log4JS for javascript
appenders: [
type: "clustered",
appenders: [
type: "dateFile",
filename: "log/access.log",
pattern: "-yyyy-MM-dd",
category: "http"
type: "file",
filename: "log/app.log",
maxLogSize: 10485760,
numBackups: 3
type: "logLevelFilter",
level: "ERROR",
appender: {
type: "file",
filename: "log/errors.log"
You can override the default console.log
functions to point to your logger e.g.
const logger = log4js.getLogger('cheese');
console.log = (msg) => logger.trace(msg);
You can do similar things for other functions e.g. console.debug
That said. You would be better off calling logger