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Watch on all attributes of an object in AngularJS

I have an object in my $scope which contains some attributes such as following:

$scope.content = {
     name : 'myname',
     description : 'mydescription',
     keyword : 'some keyword'

Now I want to listen on every change in each attribute. I set watch on its own object but I could not get changes on its attributes (its attributes are changed from UI by binding to some input fields).

$scope.$watch('content', function(){
     // do some work

When I set watch on some attribute as follow, I can get changes in that attribute.

$scope.$watch('', function(){
     // do some work

Is there any way to listen to change of attributes of object without set watch on all attributes?


  • Use the third argument of $watch, like this :

    $scope.$watch('content', function(){
         // do some work
    }, true);

    If this is true, the expression is evaluated for object equality, which means properties are included. Otherwise it's just evaluated for reference.