I have a supertype (CaseDTO) with a couple subtypes (GroupCaseDTO, IPCaseDTO) that I want to inject. Dev environment is JDev 12c.
Here are the two injection points:
Injecting the supertype (this injection point works with both subtypes):
@Inject @CaseContext private CaseDTO muwCase;
Inject a specific subtype (this injection point works with only one subtype):
@Inject @CaseContext private GroupCaseDTO muwCase;
To get these values, I have tried to setup a number of producer methods:
// supertype
@Produces @CaseContext
public CaseDTO getContextCase() {
return JSFUtils.getFromPageFlowScope("case", CaseDTO.class);
// subtype 1
@Produces @CaseContext
public IPCaseDTO getContextIpCase() {
return JSFUtils.getFromPageFlowScope("case", IPCaseDTO.class);
// subtype 2
@Produces @CaseContext
public GroupCaseDTO getContextGroupCase() {
return JSFUtils.getFromPageFlowScope("case", GroupCaseDTO.class);
The issue is, if I include only the supertype producer method, then the subtype injection point doesn't work:
:org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException:WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type GroupCaseDTO with qualifiers @CaseContext
at injection point [BackedAnnotatedField] @Inject @CaseContext private ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.controller.decision.ManageGrpDecisionController.muwCase
at ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.controller.decision.ManageGrpDecisionController.muwCase(ManageGrpDecisionController.java:0)
WELD-001475: The following beans match by type, but none have matching qualifiers:
- Managed Bean [class ca.bluecross.ab.muw.model.type.dto.grp.GroupCaseDTO] with qualifiers [@Any @Default]
But if I include all three producer methods, I get this exception on the supertype injection point:
:org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException:WELD-001409: Ambiguous dependencies for type CaseDTO with qualifiers @CaseContext
at injection point [BackedAnnotatedField] @Inject @CaseContext private ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.controller.UploadAssociatedDocumentController.muwCase
at ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.controller.UploadAssociatedDocumentController.muwCase(UploadAssociatedDocumentController.java:0)
Possible dependencies:
- Producer Method [CaseDTO] with qualifiers [@CaseContext @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @CaseContext public ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.util.DataContextHelper.getContextCase()],
- Producer Method [GroupCaseDTO] with qualifiers [@CaseContext @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @CaseContext public ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.util.DataContextHelper.getContextGroupCase()],
- Producer Method [IPCaseDTO] with qualifiers [@CaseContext @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @CaseContext public ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.util.DataContextHelper.getContextIpCase()]
Having just the two subtype producer methods doesn't work either:
:org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException:WELD-001409: Ambiguous dependencies for type CaseDTO with qualifiers @CaseContext
at injection point [BackedAnnotatedField] @Inject @CaseContext private ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.controller.UploadAssociatedDocumentController.muwCase
at ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.controller.UploadAssociatedDocumentController.muwCase(UploadAssociatedDocumentController.java:0)
Possible dependencies:
- Producer Method [GroupCaseDTO] with qualifiers [@CaseContext @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @CaseContext public ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.util.DataContextHelper.getContextGroupCase()],
- Producer Method [IPCaseDTO] with qualifiers [@CaseContext @Any] declared as [[BackedAnnotatedMethod] @Produces @CaseContext public ca.bluecross.ab.muw.view.util.DataContextHelper.getContextIpCase()]
I guess I can fix this by using a Qualifier annotation for each subtype that I need, but that seems excessive. Is there no way to get the injection working without a multitude of qualifier annotations?
In fact, here's what I want: one producer method + one qualifier annotation that allows me to inject the context case, regardless of it's subtype. Again, I don't think this is possible with CDI, as it's (too) strongly typed.
I think this is the best I can do; adapting @maress
@Produces @CaseContext
public CaseDTO getContextCase() {
return JSFUtils.getFromPageFlowScope("case", CaseDTO.class);
@Produces @CaseContext("ip")
public IPCaseDTO getContextIpCase() {
return JSFUtils.getFromPageFlowScope("case", IPCaseDTO.class);
@Produces @CaseContext("group")
public GroupCaseDTO getContextGroupCase() {
return JSFUtils.getFromPageFlowScope("case", GroupCaseDTO.class);
@Target({ FIELD, METHOD })
public @interface CaseContext {
public String value() default "";
Then injection points
@Inject @CaseContext
private CaseDTO muwCase;
@Inject @CaseContext("group")
private GroupCaseDTO muwCase;
@Inject @CaseContext("ip")
private IPCaseDTO muwCase;