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How to Add Column from MS Excel to MS Project - VBA

I am writing a macro to add a column of data from an MS Excel sheet into an already existing MS Project document. When I run my macro the correct project is opened, but I get an error message saying that the project I opened has been deleted, even though it has not been deleted.

Here is my current macro:

Sub newProjectColumn()
Dim appProj As MSProject.Application
Dim aProg As MSProject.Project
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

'~~> Open MS Project
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet1")

Set appProj = CreateObject("Msproject.Application")

appProj.FileOpen "Project_1.mpp"

Set aProg = appProj.ActiveProject

appProj.Visible = True

'~~> Next, create new Column in project
TableEditEx Name:="Project_1.mpp", TaskTable:=True, _
    NewFieldName:="Actual Duration", Title:="Actual Duration", Width:=12, _
    ShowInMenu:=True, _

'~~> Next, copy T:T from Excel.Then, paste to 29th column (i,29) in Project.
Set Rng = ws.Range("T:T")
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Rng
SelectTaskColumn Column:="Actual Duration"

End Sub

Any help on what I have done wrong or if there is a better approach would be very much appreciated!


  • Here's the code you need to update the Actual Duration column. Change the table name as necessary. Update the range reference as necessary; do not include a header cell.

      ' add Actual Duration as the first column & apply the table changes
      appProj.TableEditEx Name:="Entry", TaskTable:=True, _
        NewFieldName:="Actual Duration", Title:="Actual Duration", Width:=12, ColumnPosition:=0
      appProj.TableApply "Entry"
      ' copy updated values from Excel (no headers) and paste in new column in Project
      appProj.SelectColumn 2
      ' delete the column

    Note that when adding a column using the TableEditEx method, the indexes start at 0 whereas when selecting a column using the SelectColumn method, the indexes start at 2.

    TableEditEx method

    SelectColumn method