Been using j2html to create html from Java, working well but I don't understand how to use when I want something like this
<p>The fox ran over the <b>Bridge</b> in the forest</p>
If I do
import static j2html.TagCreator.*;
public class HtmlTest
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(p("The fox ran over the " + b(" the bridge") + "in the forest"));
I get
<p>The fox ran over the <b>the bridge</b> in the forest</p>
i.e it treats bold as just text.
Note simply doing
import static j2html.TagCreator.*;
public class HtmlTest
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println(p(b("the bridge")));
does render properly giving
<p><b>the bridge</b></p>
I've never used j2html, but looking at the example, if I'm not wrong, I guess the syntax should be:
p("The fox ran over the ", b(" the bridge"), "in the forest")
Sorry my company environment doesn't allow me to download Eclipse etc to test..
Update: Above was wrong. But I've found a way - although it is rather complex:
p("The fox ran over the ").with((DomContent)b("the bridge")).withText(" in the forest")
<p>The fox ran over the <b>the bridge</b> in the forest</p>
can be removed but I retained for clarify. I guess the logic is that if anything added as text would be escaped, so the only way to make it work is to add the DomContent
or ContainerTag
Update 2: "Better" way found!
p(new Text("The fox ran over the "), b("the bridge"), new Text(" in the forest"))
or with a "helper"
import static j2html.TagCreator.*;
import j2html.tags.Text;
public class Test {
private static Text $(String str) {
return new Text(str);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(p($("The fox ran over the "), b("the bridge"), $(" in the forest")));