I am trying to use bs-typeahead directive from angular-strap.
I want a fucntion to be executed when a user selects something from the options. But this simple case is not seems to be working here and throwing error:
Uncaught ReferenceError: myFunction is not defined
Here is my syntax:
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="selectedState" bs-options="state for state in states" bs-on-select="myFunction()" placeholder="Enter state" bs-typeahead>
$scope.myFunction = function(){
console.log("This function is called.")
Can anyone please help me here, if I am missing anything.
Here is my plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/Z89TQ027WzxQn6UDJfAL?p=preview
Your linked Plunker has no errors, but if you want the function to be called on every change, remove the wrapping parenthesis:
Right now you're calling it in place, and assigning the return value of the function (which is nothing) as the bs-on-select