I recently switched from Contao 3.X to Contao 4.4. So far so good. I like it very much. Especially working with composer.
Currently, I am looking for a solution, to create custom content elements. In Contao 3.X I could do this with the extension dma_elementgenerator
(https://github.com/DMAGmbH/dma_elementgenerator). Now it looks like it's deprecated and not usable in any Contao 4.X version.
Has anyone a solution (or at least an idea) how to create custom content elements?
Example: I have to display a section with some progress bars:
I'm just looking for a way to manage those stats from the backend. Actually, I just need following custom fields:
I was looking for a possibility in the last few days, but I couldn't find any. If there is no direct solution: has anyone a tip/howto, so I can possibly create a new Contao 4 extension by myself?
Never created an extension in Contao 4.
Received a solution from another forum. There is a way to install Contao 3.X extensions in Contao 4.X.
The how to is in german, but maybe someone will need it too: