I'm trying to generate Outlook HTML-Mail with embedded image from my C# application. I've found out that I have to attach the image and referencing it in the HTML.
I've got these lines from here:
string imageCid = "image001.jpg@123";
, imageCid
newMail.HTMLBody = String.Format(
"<body><img src=\"cid:{0}\"></body>"
, imageCid
What I don't get is that schema "url" for the SetProperty
Method. I don't have any clue how this comes together. MSDN tells that this is the way to specify the Property that I want to set, but how do I get to that 0x...
See http://www.dimastr.com/redemption/utils.htm#xmapi for an overview of the MAPI property tags, both fixed and named. DASL property names are not really MAPI specific, they are just a way to encode in a single string value fixed (4 byte int) and named (GUID + string or integer id) MAPI property tags.
You can see DASL property names in OutlookSpy (I am its author) - select a message, click IMessage button on the OutlookSpy ribbon, select the property that you are after, look at the DASL edit box.