I am writing a CFrameWnd wrapper and I have this line in the header file :
#define WM_CFW_MESSAGE (WM_APP + 100)
Is this is a good practice ? Does it require that users of this wrapper will have to remember not to use this particular number (WM_APP + 100) ?
No, it's not a good practice. The WM_USER
range is more suitable. The WM_APP
range is intended for messages that must be understood by multiple window classes in a single program. The WM_USER
range is intended for messages that are intended for a single window class.
Therefore, you can safely use values in WM_USER
range. You can write #define WM_CFW_MESSAGE (WM_USER+0)
because you know that your window class has no other WM_USER
messages. When you add a second custom message to the same window class, you can use (WM_USER+1)
, etcetera. If you implement another window class, it can start at WM_USER+0