I have the following class structure in a program which I cannot change:
class Node {
public String name;
class Nodes {
public List<Node> nodes;
class Master {
public Nodes nodes;
I can use the following YAML to initialize it:
- name: test
Is there any possibility with SnakeYaml to leave out the first "nodes:" with some kind of custom object instantiation logic so that my customers can just use the following YAML?
- name: test
I tried with a custom constructor implementation, but didn't get this working:
class MyConstructor extends Constructor {
MyConstructor() {
yamlClassConstructors.put(NodeId.mapping, new NodesConstructor());
class NodesConstructor extends Constructor.ConstructMapping {
protected Object constructJavaBean2ndStep(MappingNode node, Object object) {
Class type = node.getType();
if (type.equals(Master.class)) {
Nodes nodes = new Nodes();
//FIXME: I don't want to construct the whole object tree here, I only want to fill the nodes
nodes.nodes = new ArrayList<>();
Master master = new Master();
master.nodes = nodes;
return master;
} else {
return super.constructJavaBean2ndStep(node, object);
At the end, this is what I like to get working:
class MyDsl {
public Master master;
public class SnakeYaml {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// 1: this is working OK
Yaml yaml = new Yaml();
MyDsl myDsl = yaml.loadAs("master:\n nodes:\n nodes:\n - name: mystage", MyDsl.class);
if(!myDsl.master.nodes.nodes.get(0).name.equals("mystage")) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed with nested nodes");
// 2: this is how I need it
Yaml yaml2 = new Yaml(new MyConstructor());
MyDsl myDsl2 = yaml2.loadAs("master:\n nodes:\n - name: mystage", MyDsl.class);
if(!myDsl2.master.nodes.nodes.get(0).name.equals("mystage")) {
throw new AssertionError("Failed with leaving out nodes");
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
What I finally did to solve this issue is to manually transform the underlying map, dump it into a string and load it again with my DSL wrapper class:
Yaml yaml2 = new Yaml();
Map map = yaml2.loadAs("master:\n nodes:\n - name: mystage", Map.class);
Map master = (Map) map.get("master");
List nodes = (List) master.get("nodes");
Map newNodes = new HashMap();
newNodes.put("nodes", nodes);
master.put("nodes", newNodes);
String modifiedDsl = yaml.dump(map);
MyDsl myDsl2 = yaml2.loadAs(modifiedDsl, MyDsl.class);
Probably not the most beautiful solution, but it works. What's still open is how to use this in the other direction (generating YAML for the DSL object).