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Fill second Select tag base on the first Select tag using AngularJS?

I'm using UI-Bootstrap so I can use them both Angular and bootstrap. I want to access the value from a select tag that the "controllerCountries" controller have and use that value as a parameter to the fill the select "selectedServices". I want to do that because the logic of the program will be that when I choose a country of a list of countries in a select tag, use that value to fill the another select tag.

My HTML is here:

<div  style="margin-top: 15px"  class="col-md-6">
     <div id="form-pais"class="form-group">
         <label class=" control-label">Country:</label>
         <div class="selectContainer">
              <select  ng-controller="controllerCountries" class="form-control" id="abvCountry" name="abvCountry" ng-model="countrySelected">
                   <option value="gt">Guatemala</option>
                   <option value="sl">El Salvador</option>
                    <option value="hn">Honduras</option>
<div style="margin-top: 15px"  class="col-md-6">
   <div class="form-group">
       <label class=" control-label">Services:</label>
   <div ng-controller="controllerServices" class="selectContainer">
       <select  class="form-control" id="selectServices"ng-model="servicios" ng-options="y for (x, y) in serviciosgt" text="">

My JS file looks like that:

//Heres the list of services in the objects. I use this to fill the second select.
app.controller('controllerServices', function($scope)
     $scope.serviciosgt =
          consMiami : "Consolidación Miami",
          contCompletosGT: "Contenedores Completos",
          cargMartConsolidadGT : "Carga Maritima Consolidada",
          cargAereaRegularGT: "Carga Áerea Regular"

    $scope.serviciosSL =
         contCompletosSl : "Contenedores Completos",
         cargMartConsolidadSl: "Carga Marítima Consolidada",
         cargAereaRegularSl: "Carga Áerea Regular"

    $scope.serviciosHN =
         contCompletosHN : "Contenedores Completos",
         cargMartConsolidadHN: "Carga Marítima Consolidada",
         cargAereaRegularHN: "Carga Áerea Regular"

//Heres the controller to fill.
app.controller('controllerCountries', function($scope)
     $scope.countrySelected ='';
     $scope.$watch('countrySelected', function () {
               console.log("Select GT");

          else if($scope.countrySelected=="sl")
               console.log("Select SL");
          else if($scope.countrySelected=="hn")
               console.log("Select HN");

Right now I can access the value of the first "controllerCountries" and log that value on the console, but thats it. And, as you can see, I fill the select with the first object, but I wan them to be dinamic. Can anyone help me please. And if you look that my code is wrong, youre welcome to fix it.

Greetings and thanks.

HTML view


  • First of all, you don't need that $watch, you can use ng-change to fire a callback when the select value (ng-model) is changed. you can write your if statements there.

    Second, don't use ng-controller on a select, you have ng-options to dynamically place nested <option> elements inside the <select>.

    Lastly, if you want to fill select number 2 using a value you've selected from select number 1, just reference the correct data when the ngChange callback is fired

    $scope.onCountryChange = function (country) {
               console.log("Select GT");
               $scope.serviciosgt = { ... };
          else if(country=="sl")
               console.log("Select SL");
               $scope.serviciosgt = { ... };
          else if(country=="hn")
               console.log("Select HN");
               $scope.serviciosgt = { ... };

    your select could look something like this

    <select class="form-control" 
            ng-options="country for country in countries" ng-model="countrySelected">


    $scope.countries = ["gt", "sl", "hn"];