Accessing an HTML5 audio element (a .ogg file) with JavaScript in Chrome. The file does play properly, yet somehow it will not recognize the duration.
I just cribbed this code: (I know w3schools isn't great, but it seems like something else is the problem...)
var x = document.getElementById("testTone").duration;
console.log("duration:"+x); // duration:NaN
var y = document.getElementById("testTone");; // works!
the element...
<audio controls id="testTone">
<source src="autoharp/tone0.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
Add preload="metadata"
to your tag to have it request the metadata for your audio object:
<audio controls id="testTone" preload="metadata">
<source src="autoharp/tone0.ogg" type="audio/ogg">
In your code, attach an event handler, to set the duration when the metadata has been loaded:
var au = document.getElementById("testTone");
au.onloadedmetadata = function() {