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Java-Beanshell: Run methods from within beanshell without class reference

I am a newbie to BeanShell and learning it. Currently, I have below code to get user input as a string and then evaluate it using BeanShell eval method.

package beanshell;

import bsh.EvalError;
import bsh.Interpreter;

public class DemoExample {

    public static void main( String [] args ) throws EvalError  {
        Interpreter i = new bsh.Interpreter();
        String usrIp = "demoExmp.printValue(\"Rohit\");";

                + "import beanshell.DemoExample;"
                + "DemoExample demoExmp = new beanshell.DemoExample();"
                + ""+usrIp);

    public static void printValue(String strVal){
        System.out.println("Printing Value "+strVal);

But expectation is - user should not provide class reference and code should run fine. So user input value is as below:

String usrIp = "printValue(\"Rohit\");";

Please help.


  • Cool, we can achieve this using reflection as below.

    package beanshell;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import bsh.EvalError;
    import bsh.Interpreter;
    public class Demo_Eval {
        public static Interpreter i = new Interpreter();
        public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, EvalError, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException{
            String userInput = "printValue()";
            Object result = i.eval(""
                    + "public class EvalUserInput extends beanshell.Demo_Eval{"
                    + "public static void getUserInput(){"
                    + userInput+";"
                    + "}"
                    + "}");
            Class<?> noparams[] = {};
            Class cls = (Class) result;
            Object obj = cls.newInstance();
            cls.getDeclaredMethod("getUserInput", noparams).invoke(obj, null);
        public static void printValue(){