I have two tables:
post table:
| id | title | details |
| 185 | some title | some details |
| 186 | some title | some details |
post category:
| id | category | post_id |
| 1 | some title | 185 |
| 2 | some title | 186 |
When the user clicks on category, I want to get all posts from post table
based on category selected.
I am able to select category
and post_id
like this:
List<Map> postCategories2 = Base.findAll("select category, post_id from posts_categories where category = ?", request.queryParams("category_name"));
But what I want is to use a single query and select id, title, details
from post table
using the category and post_id
from table 2 i.e category table
All the information I have is category name i.e request.queryParams("category_name")
Note: id and post_id
have primary key-foreign key relationship
I think you have to use a join for that Replace your query with this query
select title,details,category from post p inner join posts_categories c on
p.id=c.post_id where category= ?//your category name at the question mark
hope this helps