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Get form data in Backing Component from Composite Component

My Composite Component contains the following form:

<cc:interface componentType="answerCompositeComponent">
    <cc:attribute name="AnswerType" type="code.elephant.domainmodel.AnswerType" required="true" />
    <cc:attribute name="ItemSource" type="code.elephant.domainmodel.Answer" required="true" />
    <cc:attribute name="QuestionId" type="java.lang.Long" required="true" />
    <input jsf:id="sc#{cc.attrs.ItemSource.answerId}" />

How can I access the value of the <input jsf:id="sc#{cc.attrs.ItemSource.answerId}" /> in my Backing Component? I tried the following in my backing bean in the overriden processUpdates method.

Answer ItemSource = (Answer) getValueExpression("ItemSource").getValue(context.getELContext());
String formid = String.format("sc%d", ItemSource.getAnswerId());
String get = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(formid);

String get is always null. Is there a way to get the value of the input?

PS: I know that using plain html in jsf is not the purpose of it. I'm just interessted how my plan is achievable.


  • I never used plain html with jsf attributes, so I don't know if it's applicable.

    Generally, this is a common way to access nested components in a composite:

    <cc:interface componentType="answerCompositeComponent">
        <cc:attribute name="AnswerType" type="code.elephant.domainmodel.AnswerType" required="true" />
        <cc:attribute name="ItemSource" type="code.elephant.domainmodel.Answer" required="true" />
        <cc:attribute name="QuestionId" type="java.lang.Long" required="true" />
        <h:inputText id="questionInput" binding="#{cc.input}" />
        <!-- maybe something like this might work
            <input jsf:id="questionInput" jsf:binding="#{cc.input}" />


    public class AnswerCompositeComponent extends UINamingContainer
        private UIInput input;
        public void processUpdates(FacesContext context)
            Object value = input.getValue();
            Object localValue = input.getLocalValue();
            Object submittedValue = input.getSubmittedValue();
            // do your things with values 
        public UIInput getInput()
            return input;
        public void setInput(UIInput input)
            this.input = input;

    Note that a composite backing component is a NamingContainer, so prefer static (or none at all) nested component IDs. Avoid dynamic IDs, unless you really need them and you know exactly what you're doing.