I have 2 js files:
I have a form with a lot of required invisible fields(these fields are needed in other pages).
When I do form.Valid(), it is validating even the invisible fields and says form is invalid even when I fill in all the data.
When I don't bundle it all works fine.
So I think the problem is with bundling those 2 files.
My question would be why is that is there something with these files we CANNOT bundle?
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm able to bundle these files (and others), but in one project, I have them grouped separately. In other words, I have JQuery-*.js bundled by itself, and have the Validate and other helper files in another bundle. The main reason I did it this way is because not all of my screens need the Validate portion, so it's only loaded when necessary. In another project, I bundle them together. Works in both cases.
To use the bundled files, in your Razor code, you need something like:
I would include JQuery bundle before the Validate bundle, if you use separate bundles. If using one bundle, put the validate last in the bundle list.