I'm using the below demonstration:
SELECT ?performer ?prefLabel ?date ?location WHERE
?art rdf:type etree:Concert.
?art rdf:type mo:Performance.
?art mo:performer ?performer.
?art skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel.
?art etree:date ?date.
?art event:place ?location.
However I also wish to select the values of a named attribute '?place', for which there is a value contained in each entry of '?location', how do I adjust my query to do this?
I'm not sure I understand correctly what you mean in this phrase:
named attribute '?place', for which there is a value contained in each entry of '?location'
I guess you are looking for something like this:
PREFIX mo: <http://purl.org/ontology/mo/>
PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
PREFIX etree: <http://etree.linkedmusic.org/vocab/>
PREFIX event: <http://purl.org/NET/c4dm/event.owl#>
SELECT ?performer ?prefLabel ?date ?location ?place WHERE
?art a etree:Concert, mo:Performance ;
mo:performer ?performer ;
skos:prefLabel ?prefLabel ;
etree:date ?date ;
event:place ?location .
?location etree:location ?place .