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Concatenating indeterminate number of cells ignoring blanks in Excel

Looking at the example on this page (shown below).

This solution doesn't work if the last entry is blank. For example, in column A if "Order" was missing from A5, the result would be "KTE-2015-Ruby-" instead of "KTE-2015-Ruby".

How would I go about obtaining the second result without a bunch of if statements checking if that cell is the last one that isn't blank.

For more information, I will always have to check the same number of rows for information, but the amount of rows that actually has text is indeterminate. Using the picture as an example, again, I will always only be checking rows 1-5, but I won't know which of those rows are blank.

enter image description here


  • If you have Office 365 Excel then you can use TEXTJOIN():


    If not then you need to add to the formula to remove the last character using LEFT()

    =LEFT(A1 & "-" & IF(A2<>"",A2 & "-","") & IF(A3<>"",A3 & "-","") & IF(A4<>"",A4 & "-","") & IF(A5<>"",A5 & "-",""),LEN(A1 & "-" & IF(A2<>"",A2 & "-","") & IF(A3<>"",A3 & "-","") & IF(A4<>"",A4 & "-","") & IF(A5<>"",A5 & "-",""))-1)

    This formula is a little different as it always adds the - to the end. it then removes the last - with Left. Then it does not matter if any are blank or not we will always have the - at the end that needs to be removed.

    Or as @Jeeped stated:

    =MID(IF(A1<>"","-" & A1,"") & IF(A2<>"","-" & A2,"") & IF(A3<>"","-" & A3,"") & IF(A4<>"","-" & A4,"") & IF(A5<>"","-" & A5,""),2, 999999)