Im trying to get grunt-ssh sftp to work with grunt-watch to only send modified files. I manage to get this to work but with a wired problem
my grunt config
watch: {
upload: {
files: ['*.*'],
tasks: ['sftp'],
options: {
spawn: false,
options: {
host: '',
username: 'blah',
password: 'blah',
showProgress: true,
files:{'./': []}
function on watch event to modify the config
var changedFiles = {'./': []};
var onChange = grunt.util._.debounce(function() {
grunt.config('sftp.upload.files', changedFiles);
changedFiles = {'./': []};
}, 275);
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
This it the output from grunt
Running "watch" task
{ './': [ 'Gruntfile.js' ] }
>> File "Gruntfile.js" changed.
Running "sftp:upload" (sftp) task
Gruntfile.js [====================] 100% of 6KB
Created 1 directories, copied 1 files
Running "watch" task
Completed in 0.617s at Fri Jun 16 2017 11:47:56 GMT+0100 (BST) -
Reloading watch config...
Running "watch" task
{ './': [ 'affiliate_with_log.php', 'Gruntfile.js' ] }
>> File "affiliate_with_log.php" changed.
>> File "Gruntfile.js" changed.
Running "sftp:upload" (sftp) task
affiliate_with_log.php [====================] 100% of 10KB
Gruntfile.js [====================] 100% of 6KB
Created 1 directories, copied 2 files
Running "watch" task
Completed in 0.546s at Fri Jun 16 2017 11:48:08 GMT+0100 (BST) -
>> File "affiliate_with_log.php" changed.
>> File "img.php" changed.
Running "sftp:upload" (sftp) task
{ './': [ 'affiliate_with_log.php', 'img.php' ] }
{ './': [ 'affiliate_with_log.php', 'img.php' ] }
{ './': [ 'affiliate_with_log.php', 'img.php' ] }
affiliate_with_log.php [====================] 100% of 10KB
Gruntfile.js [====================] 100% of 6KB
Created 1 directories, copied 2 files
Running "watch" task
Completed in 0.538s at Fri Jun 16 2017 11:48:19 GMT+0100 (BST) -
>> File "img.php" changed.
Running "sftp:upload" (sftp) task
{ './': [ 'img.php' ] }
{ './': [ 'img.php' ] }
{ './': [ 'img.php' ] }
affiliate_with_log.php [====================] 100% of 10KB
img.php [====================] 100% of 877B
Created 1 directories, copied 2 files
in this output you can see that the console log of the files is correct every time but it doesn't always seem to upload to correct file and I cant work out why. any help would be much appreciated
I resolved this by adding a wait before the sftp task to make sure the config had time to update
grunt.registerTask('wait', 'Wait for a set amount of time.', function() {
delay = 1;
var d = delay ? delay + ' second' + (delay === '1' ? '' : 's') : 'forever';
grunt.log.write('Waiting ' + d + '...');
// Make this task asynchronous. Grunt will not continue processing
// subsequent tasks until done() is called.
var done = this.async();
// If a delay was specified, call done() after that many seconds.
if (delay) { setTimeout(done, delay * 1000); }
the changed the watch task:
watch: {
upload: {
files: ['./*.*', './resources/**/*.*', './protected/**/*.*'],
tasks: ['wait', 'sftp:upload'],
options: {
spawn: false,