Currently I have an implementation which fetches 10 thousand records withing 10-12 seconds. Performance of this query can be improved and how ? Following is my code snippet based on QueryDSL and JPA 2.
public List<EntryEntity> getEntries() {
QEntryEntity qEntryEntity = QEntryEntity.entryEntity;
return queryfactory.selectFrom(qEntryEntity).orderBy(;
You're probably missing an index on that NAME
CREATE INDEX solve_all_problems ON entry_entity (name);
This works well because an index pre-orders all your data as it is a ordered data structure, so the database no longer needs to do any ordering work when you run a query like the one you're running right now. Use-the-index-luke has a nice explanation on this topic.
Side note: Be careful with adding indexes. While they drastically speed up read operations, each index will slow down write operations on that column. Each index is a tradeoff.