I'm trying to setup an expected call to a protected method. The methods signature looks like this:
protected SqlDataReader MethodName(string Name, List<SqlParameter> paramList, SqlConnection con)
I've come as far as setting up the expectation as follows, but I get an error when running the test:
.Setup<SqlDataReader>( "MethodName", "SomeString", ItExpr.IsAny<List<SqlParameter>>(), ItExpr.IsNull<SqlConnection>() )
.Returns( dataReader );
The error I get is:
Test method GlobalTests.DBAdapterSystemDataTest.GetDentalWingsProstheticTypeMappings threw exception:
System.NotSupportedException: Invalid setup on a non-virtual (overridable in VB) member: mock => mock.ExecuteReaderStoredProcedure("GetDentalWingsProstheticTypeMappings", It.IsAny<List`1>(), It.Is<SqlConnection>(v => Object.Equals((Object)v, (Object)null)))
Does anyone have an idea how I can set up the expectation so that it works? I don't care for any argument values, I just want to chech that the method was called at least once.
The error message implies that you need to add the virtual
keyword to your MethodName
method, so that Moq can override it in the tests.