I have two projects: "Game" and "Game Library" - Game has a build path to the Game Library project. In Game Library, I have a method that switches the scene when Game requests it.
The scene switch method in Game Library project:
package gamelibrary;
public class SceneSwitcher{
public Stage window;
public Parent root;
public void switchSceneFXML(String FXMLLocation) throws Exception{
window = (Stage) node.getScene().getWindow();
}catch(Exception e){
root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(FXMLLocation));
window.setScene(new Scene(root));
I call this method in Game project:
package game;
import gamelibrary.sceneSwitcher;
public class firstWindowController{
public void buttonHandler(ActionEvent event){
SceneSwitcher scene = new SceneSwitcher();
So when I click the playButton in the FirstWindow.fxml, FirstWindowController in Game project will call the switchSceneFXML method in Game Library project.
I get this error:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Location is required.
root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource(FXMLLocation));
Is there something i'm missing? How can I make switchSceneFXML method know to look for the package and file in Game project and not Game Library project?
I am trying to make switchSceneFXML method reusable with other FXML files so that I dont have to copy and paste code alot and would prefer a way that will allow me to write once and reuse.
I have looked around alot for an answer but I havent been able to fully grasp the concept in other peoples situations. Thanks for the help!
I am trying to make the switchSceneFXML method reusable for more than just on FXML. Is there a way I can get the name of the class automatically? – Chris
Then you should have the various classes load their FXML themselves. You could Do this by using the JVMs ServiceLoader
in gane lib:
interface FxmlController{
boolean isPrividingScene(String nextSceneIdOrName);
String getFXMLLocation();
public class SceneSwitcher{
public Stage window;
public Parent root;
private static ServiceLoader<FxmlController> sceneControllers
= ServiceLoader.load(FxmlController.class);
public void switchSceneFXML(String nextSceneIdOrName) throws Exception{
window = (Stage) node.getScene().getWindow();
for(FxmlController controller : sceneControllers){
if(controller.isPrividingScene(nextSceneIdOrName)){ // however you want to select the next scene...
FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader();
root = fxmlLoader.load(controller.getClass().getResource(controller.getFXMLLocation()));
window.setScene(new Scene(root));
}catch(Exception e){
This way each FxmlController can (but does not need to) live in its own jar file having its own relative path to the FXML file.