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Symbol 'jquery.include_datepicker' is not defined

I have a similar question with this guy, but there is still no answer there.

Maybe cool guys in SO can help me. Thanks in advance.

Here is my contributeJavaScriptStackSource in

public static void contributeJavaScriptStackSource(MappedConfiguration<String, JavaScriptStack> configuration, @Symbol(JQuerySymbolConstants.SUPPRESS_PROTOTYPE) boolean suppressPrototype) {
    configuration.overrideInstance("core-datefield", JQueryDateFieldStack.class);


  • It looks like you need to define a value for this symbol using one of the symbol providers, i.e. ApplicationDefaults:

    public static void contributeApplicationDefaults(
            MappedConfiguration<String, Object> configuration)
        // ... set it to "true" or "false" explicitly
        configuration.add(JQuerySymbolConstants.INCLUDE_DATEPICKER_I18N, "true");

    If set to "true" the library will try to use localized messages, source code is here.