I have a List<List<String>>
with sample data like:
("T1#R1", "T1#R1", "T1#R3", "T1#R4")
("T1#R1", "T1#R1", "T1#R3", "T1#R5")
("T1#R1", "T1#R1", "T1#R6", "T1#R4")
("T1#R1", "T1#R1", "T1#R6", "T1#R5")
And I need to assert, that a List<String>
is present in the above sample, but without taking order into consideration.
For example, the following list ("T1#R1", "T1#R1", "T1#R4", "T1#R3")
should be considered as present in the List<List<String>>
, as it would contain the same items as the 1st list, but in different order.
On the other hand, ("T1#R1", "T1#R3", "T1#R4", "T1#R3")
shouldn't be considered as present in the list, as it has the same items, but with a different count.
I know I could do this programmatically, but was wandering if there could be a Matcher
for example that could help.
I've seen assertions like:
assertThat(myList, containsInAnyOrder(anotherList.toArray())
But that would just compare one list with another, and not a list inside a List of Lists.
PS: I'm using Java6, hamcrest-core-1.3, testng-5.14.1
I don't know of any matcher that can do what you want, so I'm afraid you'll have to program it.
I would simply sort the target list and then I'd iterate the sublists until a match is found:
List<String> target = new ArrayList<>(anotherList);
boolean result = myList.stream()
.anyMatch(sublist -> equalsInAnyOrder(sublist, target));
Where method equalsInAnyOrder
would be as follows:
public <T> boolean equalsInAnyOrder(List<T> sublist, List<T> target) {
List<String> copy = new ArrayList<>(sublist);
return copy.equals(target);
This sorts each sublist and compares it with the target sorted list, so it's not performance-wise, but at least it's simple and succint code.
EDIT as per OP's need to target Java 6:
The logic is exactly the same as in the Java 8 version. First sort the target list and then compare each sublist until a match is found:
List<String> target = new ArrayList<>(anotherList);
The stream()
with anyMatch
has now become a while
boolean match = false;
Iterator<List<String>> it = myList.iterator();
while (it.hasNext() && !match) {
List<String> sublist = it.next();
match = equalsInAnyOrder(sublist, target);
And now method equalsInAnyOrder
looks like this:
public <T> boolean equalsInAnyOrder(List<T> sublist, List<T> target) {
List<String> copy = new ArrayList<>(sublist);
return copy.equals(target);